Haryana Police Female Constable Question Paper With Answer | Meri Tyari


Haryana Police Female Constable Question Paper with Answer  : 18 September 2021

 Shift – Evening 


Q.1   Ecology is related to environment in the same way as Histology is related to

A. Hormones

B. History

C. Tissues

D. Fossils

Q.2  According to the early Tamil Literature  (Sangam Texts) the large landowners living in the villages are called as

A. Vellalar

B. Uzhavar

C. Adimai

D.  None of the above

Q.3  A ……. Is a record of information that most servers collect by default and is often accessible from the hosting company or Internet Service Provider (ISP) for the site

A. Server log

B. Root File System

C. Cascaded Style Sheet

D.  Boot Record

Q.4 Modulus of elasticity has the dimensions same as that of

A. Torce

B. Power

C. Pressure

D.  Energy

Q.5  Anas Platyrrhycnchos is commonly known as

A. Quail

B. Chicken

C. Duck

D.  Turkey

Q.6 Shri Tarlochan Singh awarded Padma Bhushan – 2021 in the field of

A. Public Affairs

B. Civil Service

C. Medicine

D.  None of the above


Q.7 Warrant means

A. An order to produce the evidence

B. An arrest order issued by the Court

C. An order to appear as witness

D.  A notice to appear before the Court


Q.8 Who among the following is the second woman to be India’s External Affairs Minister ?

A. Geetha Phogat

B. Sushma Swaraj

C. Manushi Chillar

D.  Indira Gandhi


Q.9 What will come in the place of question mark?

AZ , CX, FU, ?

A.  KP



D.  IR


Q.10 Nili Ravi is a breed of

A. Water Buffalo

B. Cow

C. Goat

D.  None of the above

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Q.11 Haryana Police has wireless repeater antennae at

A. Tosham hill range

B. Takdi hill

C. Sarahan hill

D.  all of the above


Q.12   A projectile having initial kinetic energy 60 J projected at an angle of 45 degree with the horizontal. What is the kinetic energy of the projectile at the highest point of its trajectory ?


A. 15 J

B.  60 J

C. 30 J

D.  45 J


Q.13 ……… is my kind of unwanted software that is installed without your adequate consent.

A. Spam

B. Malware

C. Utility software

D.  Firmware


Q.14 India’s first grain ATM has been set up in

A. Gurugram , Haryana

B. Mysore , karnataka

C. Kochi , Kerala

D.  None of the above


Q.15 The flowers in a basket double every minute and the basket gets full in one hour. In how many minutes the basket was 1/32 full ?

A. 32 min

B. 55 min

C. 45 min

D.  12 min


Q.16  full form of BPRD is

A. Board of police Research and Development

B. Bureau of police Research and Develoment

C. Batch of police Research and development

D.  None of the above


Q.17 Which district of Haryana is known as the “ Hub of making durries “?

A. Hisar

B. Panipat

C. Bhiwani

D.  Gurugram


Q.18 Highest ranking  in Indian police

A. Deputy Inspector General  of Police

B. Director General  of Police

C. Superintendent of Police

D.  Inspector General of Police


Q.19  A Fruit seller had some apples . He sells 40% apples and still has 420 apples , Originally , he had

A.  700 apples

B. 600 apples

C. 672 apples

D.  588 apples


Q.20  The first Ancient  Olympic games were held in

A. 1972 CE

B. 776 CE

C. 1992 CE

D. 776 BCE

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Q.21 The amount of the filtrate formed by the kidneys per minute is called

A. Henle’s loop filtration rate

B. Distal filtration rate

C. Glomerular filtration rate

D.  Proximal filtration rate


Q.22 Memory used by your PC’s video system is known as

A. Video memory

B. Flash memory

C. Cache memory

D.  Virtual Memory


Q.23 Which of the following states has become kerosene free state based on the recent report of parliamentary committee on petroleum ?

A. Punjab

B. Haryana

C. both A and B

D.  None of the above


Q.24 Haryana Police is headed by

A. External Affairs Minister

B. Health and Welfare Minister

C. Home Minister

D.  Education Minister


Q.25 The Bahin Shanno Devi Panchayati Raj Award by Haryana Government is given to those women panchyat leaders who have done exemplary work for the

A. Empowerment of women

B. Female litracy

C. Health and nutrition

D.  All of the above


Q.26 Haryana Police was formed in the year

A. 1968

B. 1974

C. 1970

D.  1966


Q.27 If p>q and r<O , then which of the following is true ?

A. pr<qr

B. p-r<q-r

C. pr>qr

D. None of these


Q.28 Bee sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation . Use of a mild base take …….. on the stung  area given relief

A. vinegar

B. Baking Soda

C. Lemon Juice

D.  Milk of Magnesia


Q.29 If Sunita is taller than Seema and Reena . Reena is shorter than Radha and Gowri. Bina is taller than Radha and shorter that sunita. Sunita is not the tallest and Reena not the shortest , then who is the tallest ?

A. Bina

B. Seema

C. Gowri

D.  Data inadequate


Q.30 Chharhhrauli is know as ……. Of Haryana

A. Agra

B. New York

C. Cherrapunji

D.  Texas

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Q.31 In this year the campaign of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao was started in Haryana

A. 2019

B. 2013

C. 2014

D.  2015


Q.32 Haryana Police shall have

A. State Intelligence Wing

B. State Crime Investigation Wing

C. both A and B

D.  None of these


Q.33 Choose pair of  numbers which comes next


A. 35,32

B. 35, 10

C. 34 , 9

D.  10 , 12


Q.34 If the day before yesterday was Thursday . when will Sunday be ?

A. 3 days after today

B. Today

C. Day after tomorrow

D.  Tomorrow


Q.35 Muhammad Ghori defeated …..in the second battle of Taraori.

A. Prithviraj Chauhan

B. Ibrahim Lodhi

C. Akbar

D.  Babur


Q.36 Number of parallelogram in the given figure is [][][]


A. 16

B. 20

C. 19

D.  18


Q.37 A vessel is filled with liquid , 3 parts of which water  and 5 parts syrup . How much of the mixture must be drawn off and replaced with water. So that the mixture may be half water and half syrup?

A. 1/7

B. 1/4

C. 1/5

D.  1/3


Q.38  Find the missing terms in the given series .

G2X , J4V. M8T , ? , S32P

A.  P8S

B. Q16R

C. P16R

D.  N64S


Q.39 A man had 17 sheep. All but nine died . How many was he left  with ?

A. 17

B.  9

C. 8



Q.40 …….. is restricted to a small geographical area, usually to a relatively small number of stations.

A. Internet

B. Wide Area Network (WAN)

C. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

D.  Local Area Network (LAN)


Q.41 Y is the brother of W, X is the daughter of W, E is the sister of Y, Z is the brother of X, Who is the Uncle of Z?

A. W

B.  X

C. E

D.  None of these


Q.42 Sewa Suraksha Sahyog is the motto of ……… Police department  .

A. Jharkhand

B. Maharashtra

C. Gujarat

D.  Haryana


Q.43 When area of cross section of a pipe increases, the velocity of flow of the liquid

A. Remains the same

B. Decreases

C. Becomes Zero

D.  Increases


Q.44 Haryana Armed Police has battalions at

A. Bhiwani

B.  Rohtak

C. Sonipat

D.  Ambala


Q.45 Which of the following statement are true about the function of Election Commission of India ?

1. It supervises the preparation of up to date voters list.

2. It  prepares the Election schedule.

3. It gives recognition to political parties.

4. It can postpone or cancel the election in the entire country.

A.  1,2, and 3 only

B. 2,3 and 4 only

C. 2 and 3 only

D.  all of the above


Q.46  ……. Is defined as the structure of a website and its pages : How the site and the site nevigations are organized .

A. Mock up

B. User experience

C. Wireframes

D.  Information architecture


Q.47 Select  the odd word from the given alternatives.

A. Shrub

B. Flower

C. Tree

D.  Herb


Q.48 In a spreadsheet , everything is stored in little boxes called

A. Banner

B. Columns

C. Cells

D.  Rows


Q.49 The sum of the place values of 3 in the number 503535 is

A. 3300

B. 60


D. 3030


Q.50 ………. States that at constant volume, pressure of a fixed amount of gas varies directly with the temperature

A. Gay Lussac’s law

B. Charles’s law

C. Boyle’s law

D.  Avagadro law

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Q.51 A train running at speed of 60km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?

A. 150 m

B. 180 m

C .324 m

D. 120 m


Q.52 As per Transport of Animal Rules – 1978, the maximum distance allowed for cattle in a day while transport on foot shall be

A. 40 km

B. 20 km

C. 45 km

D. 30 km


Q.53 …….. is a process of retrieving , deleted , corrupted and lost data from secondary storage devices.

A. Data mining

B. Data decryption

C. Data recovery

D. Data discovery


Q.54 The light enters the eye through a thin membrane structure , this is called

A. Retina

B. Cornea

C. Optic Nerve

D.  Iris


Q.55 Priya goes 30 km towards North from a fixed point , then after turning to her right she goes 15km . After this she goes 30 km after turning to her right. How far and in what direction is she now from her starting point?

A. 30 m East

B. 15 m East

C. 20 m East

D.  10 m East


Q.56 Hebeas  corpus means

A. Stall the proceedings

B. What is the authority to continue in the office

C. Produce the body before the Court

D.  Perform public duty


Q.57 This famous personality is known as the creator of Rock Garden , Chandigarh

A.  Nek Chand

B. Chhotu Ram

C. Dayal Sharma

D.  Neki Ram


Q.58  A is B’s sister . C  is B’s mother. D  is C’s father . E is D’s mother, then how is A related to D?

A. Daughter

B. Grandmother

C. Grand-Daughter

D.  Grandfather


Q.59 Which of the following states of india often called as “food Mine” of the country ?

A. Maharashtra

B. Telengana

C. Kerala

D.  Haryana


Q.60 Consider the following statements about Pran Vayu Devta Pension Schemes (PVDPS) of Government of Haryana .

1. It is an initiative of honour all those trees which are of the age of 75 years and above and have served humanity throughout their life by producing oxygen , reducing pollution, providing shade etc.

2. Such trees will be identified throughout the state and these will be looked after by involving local people.of

Choose the correct option from given below .  

A. Both the statements 1 and 2 are incorrect

B. Only the statement 2 is correct

C. both the statements 1 and 2 are correct

D.  Only the statement  1 is correct


Q.61 Shyam Satsai is the composition of

A. Mohammad Sarwar

B. Deedar Singh

C. Tulsi Ram Sharma

D.  Santokh Singh


Q.62 Oxidation state of oxygen in OF2 is

A.  -2

B. +2

C. -1

D.  +1


Q.63 This river enters Haryana near Kalesar forest  


B. Ghaggar

C. Sahibi

D.  Markanda


Q.64 How many days will be there from 26th January 1988 to 15th may 1988 both days included ?

A. 113

B. 110

C. 112

D.  111

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Q.65 which number should come in the place of question mark?

120 , 99, 80, 63, 48, ?

A. 35

B. 38

C. 39

D.  40


Q.66 Current microprocessor speed is measured in

A. Gigahertz

B. kilohertz

C. Megahertz

D. Nanohertz


Q.67 Who was defeated by Babar at the battle of Khanwa in 1527?

A. Gopal Singh

B. Hasan Khan Mewati

C. Harashvardhan

D.  Jatwan


Q.68 If the largest 3 digit number is subtracted from the s the smallest 5 digit number, then the remainder is

A. 90001

B. 9000

C. 1

D.  9001


Q.69 Young rabbit which has attained the marketable weight is known as

A. Kit

B. Fryer

C. Pelt

D.  Fur


Q.70 If ACNE is coded as 3, 7, 29, 11, then BOIL will be codded as

A.  5, 29,19,27

B. 5,31,19,25


D.  5,31,21,25


Q.71 Choose the odd one out.

A. Cow

B. Lion

C. Tiger

D.  Zebra


Q.72 choose the correct alternatives that will continue the same pattern in the given series

1,9,25,49,?, 121

A. 100

B. 81

C. 91

D. 64


Q.73 The SI unit of resistivity is

A. Ohm per meter

B.Per ohm per meter


D.  Ohm meter


Q.74 According to Food Safety and standard Regulations , 2011 of which among the following statements is correct with respect in standardized milk ?

A. Milk should contain standardized to fat minimum 1.5% and solids not fat minimum 9%

B. Milk should contain standardized to fat minimum 4.5% and solids not fat minimum 6%

C. Milk should contain standardized to fat minimum 4.5% and solids not fat minimum 8.5%

D. Milk should contain standardized to fat minimum 3% and solids not fat minimum 8.5%

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Q.75 I have a few sweets to be distributed. If I keep 2 or 3 or 4 in pack. A am left with 1 sweet. If I keep 5 in a pack , I am left with none. What is the minimum number of sweets I have pack and distribute ?

A. 65

B. 25

C. 54

D.  37


Q.76 if a=root3/2, then root 1+a + root 1-a= ?

A. 2+root3



D. 2-root3


Q.77 The total number of seats won by congress party in 1984 lok sabha elections

A. 415

B. 435

C. 453

D. 451


Q.78 Chewing gum fits is a symptom of

A. Canine distemper

B. Rabies

C. Parvo Viral Enteritis

D.  None of above


Q.79 ………  was the first Indian woman to win a medal in paralympic games.

A. Deepa malik

B. Sarojni Gupta

C. Deepa phogat

D.  Saina Nehwal


Q.80 In which of the following district of Haryana pilgrimage destination ‘ Gurugwara Nada Sahib ‘ is situated ?

A. Panchkula

B. Karnal

C. Sonipat

D.  None of the above


Q.81 A boat can travel with a speed of 13km/hr in still water. If the speed of the stream is 4km/hr , find the time taken by the boat to go 68km downstream.

A. 5 hrs

B. 3 hrs

C. 4 hrs

D.  2 hrs


Q.82 …….. is a set of rules that governs the communication between computers on a network.

A. A port

B. A synchronization

C. A protocol

D.  A handshake

Q.83 What is the main objective of the anti- covid Sanjeevani Pariyojna of the Haryana government ?

A. To provide free covid -19 vaccination to the people residing only in rural areas of the state

B. To provide for supervied and quick medical care at home largely for people in rural areas with mild to moderate  symptoms of covid- 19 disease

C. To provide free Covid – 19 vaccination to the people residing both rural and urban areas of the state

D.  None of the above

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Q.84 Fowl Cholera is caused by

A. Paramyxo virus type 1

B. Pasteurella Multocida

C.Salmonella pollorum

D. Vibrio Cholera


Q.85 In which of the following places of Haryana state Government recently started the Project Air Care to combat rising air pollution ?

A. Gurugram

B. Kurukshetra

C. Ambala

D. None of the above


Q.86 Web pages files uses the ……..

A. .jpeg

B. .js

C. .htm or .html

D. .doc


Q.87 How many total number of seats are there in Haryana Legislative Assembly Vidhan Sabha ?

A. 94

B. 77


D. None of the above


Q.88 Haryana police has special women helpline number

A. 1091

B. 1021


D. 1051


Q.89 Choose the alternative which resembles the mirror image of the given combination .






find your self


Q.90 Which of the following Institutes of Haryana has been renamed after former finance Minister of India Arun jaitley ?

A. National Institute for Education and Vocational Training , karnal

B. National Institute of Design , Ahmedabad

C. National Institute of Financial Management , Faridabad

D. None of the above


Q.91 The price of sugar is increased by 25%. If a family wants to  keep its expenses on sugar unaltered , then the family will have to reduce the consumption of sugar by

A. 20 %

B. 21 %

C. 22 %

D.  25 %


Q.92 Excessive irrigation with dry climatic regions (Punjab or Haryana ) leads to the deposition of salt on the top leyer of the soil. In such cases farmers are advised to add which of the following minerals to solve the problem of salinity in the soil ?

A. Gypsum

B. corundum

C. Calcite

D.  None of the above


Q.93 Find the missing number in the table given below .

3              8              10           2              ?              1

6              56           90           2              20           0




D. 5


Q.94 A person below ……. Age is not punished for his crime .

A. 18 years

B. 12 years

C. 21 years

D.  7 years


Q.95 Substitute the correct mathematical symbols for * in the following equation.

16 * 4 *5*14*6

A.  / * = +

B./ + = –

C./ – = *

D. – * + =


Q.96 In a certain language , MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that code ?






Q.97 Choose the best alternative.

3 : 11 :: 7 : ?

A. 22



D. 29


Q.98 The LCM of two numbers is 48. The numbers are in the ration of 2 : 3. Find the Sum of the numbers

A. 32

B. 40

C. 28

D.  64


Q.99 Which part of the Human lungs provide surface for the exchange of gases ?

A. Bronchioles

B. Diaphragm

C. Bronchi

D.  Alveoli


Q.100 The most distinctive feature of Harappan cities is

A. Carefully planned agriculture

B. Carefully planned drainage system

C. Planned buildings

D.  Carefully planned roads

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