Haryana Police Question Paper with Answer key | Meri Tyari

Haryana Police Question Paper in English 

Haryana Police – 7 August 2021 – Evening Shift with Answer Key


1. IMBEX 2018-19 Military exercise was held at which place?

A. Rewari      

B. Bhondsi     

C. Chandimandir           

D. Ambala


2. Largest Cancer institute was inaugurated by PM Narendra Modi at?

A. Hisar      

B. Jhajjar   

C. Bhiwani                                

D. Sonipat


3. Voter Park is opened in which city of the Haryana state ?

A. Gurugram           

B. Karnal   

C. Panipat  

D. None of the these


4.  Dhosi hills of Aravali Range is located in ?

A. Narnaul               

B. Mewat    

C. Palwal     

D. Nuh


5. In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.

Lion : Den :: Rabbit : ?

A. Hole   

B. Pit   

C. Burrow     

D. Trench


6.  Suresh introduces a man as “He is the son of the woman who is the mother of the husband of my mother”. How is Suresh related to the man?

A. Uncle     

B. Son    

C. Cousin     

D. Grandson


7.  If “+” stands for “subtraction”and “/ ” stands for “addition” and “-” stands for “multiplication” and “X” stands for division , then which of the following equations is correct ?

A. 56+12×34-12=102

B. 8/44-5+25=203

C. 112×44-12+10=46

D. 9/64-2×6=54


8. In the following question , select the one which is different from other three alternatives.

A. 55×5    

B. 15×15   

C. 5×45   

D. 25×9


9. Siddarth and Murali go for jogging form the same point. Siddarth goes towards the east covering 4km. murali proceeds towards the West for 3km . Siddarth turns left and covers 4km and Murali turns to the right to cover 4 km . Now what will be the distance between Siddarth and Murali ?

A. 14 km     

B. 6 km   

C. 8 km    

D. 7 km  


10. In which city was the 8th International conference on Fusion of Science and Technology organized?

A. Faridabad  

B. Rohtak

C. Panipat

D. Karnal

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11. Haryana Government has decided to increase the old age pension amount by how much Rupees every year?

A 150

B. 250  

C. 350

D. 100


12. Who has honored Kautilya Pandit of Haryana with the global child prodigy Awards 2020?

A. Manohar Lal Khattar

B. Anil Vij

C. Kiran Bedi

D. Venkaish Naidu


13. Poonam chauhan who has become a flying officer in the air force is form which district of Haryana?

A. Mahindergarh

B. Palwal 

C. Ambala

D. Panipat


14. In which village of bhiwani district have the remains of 5000 years old harappan civilization been found?

A. Tigdana village

B. Miran village

C. Sippar village

D. Gujrani village


15. How much budget was presented in the Haryana vidhan sabha for the financial year 2020-21?

A. 126743.26crore

B. 142343.78 crore

C. 157843.90 crore

D. 132243.09 crore


16. In which city of Haryana was the 38th all india police equestrian competition organized ?

A. Bhondsi 

B. Pinjore

C. Pehowa

D. Surajkund


17. In which of the following district of Haryana , vidhan sabha speaker Gyan Chand has launched the Atal kisan Mazdoor canteen in the year 2020?

A. Kaithal

B. Panchkula

C. Sirsa

D. Palwal


18. Single super phosphate fertilizer contains

A. 16%Phosphorous and 12% Sulphur

B. 20%Phosphorous and 12% Sulphur

C. 16%Phosphorous and 18% Sulphur

D. 18%Phosphorous and 18% Sulphur


19. Painted bug is an important insect of following crop

A. Gram

B. Garden Pea

C. Mustard 

D. Mung Bean


20. Karnal bunt disease is found in following crop

A. Gram

B. Wheat 

C. Mustard

D. Sugarcane


21. Mahi Sugandha is a variety of following crop

A. Wheat

B. Paddy

C. Fennel

D. Coriander


22. GNG 217 (Meera) is a polular variety of following crop

A. Black gram

B. Green gram

C. Cotton

D. Gram 


23. Seed rate in bajra (Pearl millet) crop

A. 4-5 kg /ha

B. 6-7 kg /ha

C. 1-2 kg /ha

D. 8-9 kg /ha


24. Mean annual carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere currently is …..

A. 0.02 percent

B. 0.03  percent

C. 0.04 percent

D. 0.05 percent


25. The highest percentage content of nitrogen among the commonly used nitrogenous  fertilizers is embodied by

A. Urea


C. Ammonium Nitrate

D. Anhydrous  Ammonia


26. ‘Zero tillage system ‘ was first used successfully in 1950 in pasture renovation in —-

A. Germany

B. United Kingdom


D. Japan


27. The irrigation system which have hightest efficiencies

A. Sprinkler System

B. Check Basin

C. Flood

D. Drip System


28. 400 kg the daily requirement of dry mutter for a heavy cow is –

A. 10-12 kg 

B. 15-17 kg

C. 20-22 kg

D. 2.5 -5 kg

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29. A ring should be worn in the nose of the bull –

A. At the age of 6 months

B. At the age of 8 months to 1 years

C. At the age of 1 to 2 years

D. After 2 years of age


30. Which of the following is the best buffalo for milk production in the northern part of india ?

A. Bhadavari Buffalo

B. Murrah buffalo

C. Jafrabadi buffalo

D. Mehsansa buffalo


31. The main feature of identification of ‘Haryana cow is –

A. Long and narrow face

B. Small and narrow face

C. Long and broad face

D. Short and wide face


32. Tharparkar cow is of which species-

A. Milach breed

B. Working breed

C. Dual purpose breed

D. None of these


33. The best method of milking is

A. Copying method

B. Fisting method

C. Stripping  method

D. None of these 

Best method of milking is Full Hand Milking 

34. To which family do cow and buffalo belong?

A. Bovidae

B. Suidae

C. Equidae

D. Camelidae


35. Match list -1 and list 11 and select the correct answer from the code given 

List 1

A  White Revolution

B  Cold brown revolution

C  Blue revolution

D  Green revolution

List 2

1 Fertilizer production

2 Fist production

3 Careal production

4 Milk production

Code A B C D

A. 4 1 2 3

B. 1 2 3 4

C. 2 4 3 1

D. 1 3 4 2


36. In one of the following animals, undivided hooves are found

A. In horse 

B. In the cow

C. In buffalo

D. In sheep


37. Which printer is a type of Impact printer?

A. Page Printer

B. Laser Printer

C. Ink Jet Printer

D. Dot Matrix Printer


38. Word processing , spreadsheet and Photo Editing are examples of —–

A. Application software

B. System software

C. Operating system software

D. Platform software


39. Retail workers generally use —- terminals to process sales transactions.

A. Sales Processing

B. Transaction Point

C. Automatic Teller

D. Point of Sale


40. Inheritance is a property of the object which passes its characteristics to its ……

A. Sub classes

B. Off spring

C. Super classes

D. Parents


41. Which of the following is a serial port which provides direct connection to the network ?

A. Firewire



D. Internet Modem


42. Which of the following saves non – continuous clusters on a hard disk ?

A. Clustered file

B. Defragmented file

C. Sectored File

D. Fragmented file


43. A program that converts high level  language into machine language ?

A. Linker

B. Assembler

C. Compiler 

D. All of the above

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44. How many operating systems can work on one computer at the same time?

A. Only one

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four


45. Images can be sent over telephone lines using …..

A. Big Bandwidth

B. Fax 

C. Scanner

D. Cable


46. Which  of the following is a scientific computer language ?

A. Basic

B. Cobol

C. Fortran 

D. Pascal


47. Fill in the blank with the right option,

Rahul is happy as his uncle is …… tomorrow .

A. Arrived

B. Arrives

C. Arriving 

D. Arrive


48. Fill the blanks with the right pair of words

My …. To you is that you should ….. yourself to the situation as quickly as possible.

A. Advise , adapt

B. Advise , adopt

C. Advice,  adapt 

D. Advice , adopt


49. If 3 times a number exceeds its 3/5 by 60 , then what is the number?

A. 25   

B. 35

C. 45

D. 60


50. Which smallest number must  be added to 2203 so that we get a perfect square ?

A. 1

B. 3


D. 8


51. The maximum number of students among whom 1001 pends and 910 pencils can be distributed in such a way that each student gets same number of pens and same number of pencils is :

A. 91

B. 910

C. 1001

D. 1911


52. If I would have purchaged 11 article for Rs 10 and sold all the articles at the rate of 10 for Rs 11 , the profit percent would have been .

A. 10 %

B. 11%

C. 21% 

D. 100% 


53. The ratio of two number is 10:7 and their differences is 105 .  The sum of these numbers is

A. 595 

B. 805

C. 1190

D. 1610


54. In the following questions , select the related word from the given alternatives.

Study : knowledge :: Work : ?

A. Experiment

B. Service

C. Experience  

D. Appointment


55. A man make his daughter marry with his aunty’s son. How did son-in-law call that man before ?

A. Uncle

B. Brother

C. Cousin 

D. Aunty 


56. IF “-” stands for addition , “+” for multiplication , “/” for subtraction and “x” for division , which one of the following equation is wrong ?

A. 5-2+12×6/2=27

B. 5+2-12/6×2=13

C. 5+2-12×6/2=10

D. 5/2+12×6-2=3


57. In the following question , select the one which is different from other three alternatives .

A. 24 -47

B. 38-61

C. 74-98 

D. 54-77


58. From my house I walked 5km towards North . I turned right and walked  3km . Again I went one km to the south . How far am I from my house ?

A. 7 km

B. 6 km

C. 4 km

D. 5 km


59. In code language If white means black , black is yellow . Yellow is blue , blue is red , and red is green  then what is the colour of blood?

A. Yellow

B. Blue

C. Red

D. Green


60. Which one of the following is not a function of the liver?

A. Regulation of blood sugar

B. Enzyme activation

C. Detoxification

D. Reproduction


61. Proteins are made up of ……

A. Sugars

B. Amino Acids 

C. Fatty Acids

D. Nucleic acid


62. Which vitamin’s is needed to prevent Xerophthalmia  ?

A. A  

B. B

C. C

D. D


63. Hepatitis is a general term for a disease that is caused by :

A. Viruses

B. Bacteria

C. Parasites

D. All of the above

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64. What happens to the resistance of a  wire when its length is doubled ?

A. Gets Doubled  

B. Becomes half

C. Becomes nil

D. None of the above  


65. The resistance which can be changed as desired is called  :

A. Wire joints

B. Fixed resistance

C. Variable resistance 

D. A switch


66. Rheostat’ is the other name of :

A. Fixed  Resistance

B. Variable Resistance 

C. Insulator

D. Conductor  


67. Which one is not the form of biocides ?

A. Salt

B. Iodine

C. Sugar

D. Bleach


68. What is Rodenticide ?

A. A medicine to kill worms

B. A medicine to kill animals

C. A lubricant

D. A pesticide


69. What is NBR?

A. Normal Acylonitrile butadiene rubber

B. Natural acrylonitrile butadiene rubber

C. N acrylonitrile butane rubber

D. Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber


70. A can complete a piece of work in 10 days. B in 15 days and C in 20 days. A and C worked together for two days and then A was replaced by  B. In how many days, altogether work was completed ?

A. 12 days

B. 10 days

C. 6 days

D. 8 days 


71. A train 180m long moving at the speed of 20 m/sec over takes a man moving at a speed of 10m/sec in the same direction. The train passes the man in :

A. 6 sec

B. 9 sec

C. 18 sec 

D. 27 sec


72. There are 30 students in a class. The average age of first 10 students is 12.5 yeaers. The average age of the remaing 20 students is 13.1 years. The average age in years of the students of the whole class is :

A. 12.5 years

B. 12.7 years

C. 12.8 years

D. 12.9 years  


73. A solid metallic cone of height 10 cm, radius of base 20 cm is melted to make spherical balls each of 4 cm diameter.  How many such balls can be made?

A. 25 balls

B. 75 balls

C. 50 balls

D. 125 balls


74. Red Jungle Fowl is found in which place of Haryana

A. Karnal

B. Panipat

C. Ambala

D. Panchkula  


75. Where is Nar Naryana Cave located?

A. Hisar

B. Sirsa

C. Rohtak

D. Yamunanagar


76. Who was the first Haryanvi novel writer?

A. Rajaram Shastri 

B. Dhanik Lal Mandall

C. RS Narula

D. None of these


77. First cyber police station of Haryana was established ?

A. Panchakula

B. Ambala

C. Gurugram 

D. Karnal  


78. Where is the biggest animal husbandry farm of asia situated at Haryana ?

A. Ambala

B. Bhiwani

C. Hisar 

D. Rohtak

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79. Which is the main magazine of Haryana Sahitya Academy ?

A. Ram Vani

B. Saral  Sarita

C. Harigandha 

D. Devprayag


80. What is the average temperature of cow and buffalo ?

A. 98.4 F

B. 100 F

C. 101.5 F 

D. 102 F


Direction (81,82) in these questions , some sentence are given with blanks to be filled with appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four .


81. All civilized nations now believe in ……. Treatment of poisoners .

A. Human

B. Humane

C. Humanitarial

D. Humiliating


82. His father introduced him at an age of the game of cricket .

A. Inquisitive 

B. Insensible

C. Impressionable

D. Impressive


Direction (83,84) In each of the following questions. Find the correct spelt word


83. A. Aggressive

B. Aggressive

C. Aggressive

D. Aggresive


84. A. Sinchoronize

B. Syycronise

C. Synchronize

D. Synchromise


Direction (85,86) : In these questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four suggested alternatives , select the one which best expresses the same sentence Passive/Active voice .


85. Our task had been completed before sunset.

A. We completed  our task  before sunset.

B. We have completed our task before sunset.

C. We complete our task before sunset.

D. We had completed our task before sunset.


86. We have already done the exercise.

A. Already, the exercise has been done by us .

B. The exercise has already been done by us.

C. The exercise had been already done by us.

D. The exercise is already done by us.


Direction (87,88); Our of four alternatives, choose the one which

Is similar to the meaning of the given word


87. Massive

A. Lump sum

B. Strong

C. Little

D. Huge


88. Defer

A. Indifferent

B. Defy

C. Differ

D. Postpone

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89. Find the missing number.

44, 56,,69,83, ? , 114

A. 90

B. 98 

C. 100

D. 110


90. If ‘UNIVERSITY’  is coded as 1273948756.  How can “TRUSTY” be written in that code?

A. 542856

B. 531856

C. 541856 

D. 541956


91. In the following question four statements are given followed by four conclusions 1. 2 3  and 4 . You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You have to dicide which of the given conclusions. If any , follow from the given statements.


All matals are silver.

All silver are diamond.

Some diamonds are gold

Some gold are marbles


1 Some gold are metals

2 All metals are diamond

3  Some silver are marble

4 Some gold are silver

A. Only conclusion 1 follows

B. Only conclusion 2 follows

C. Only conclusion 3 follows

D. Only conclusion 4 follows


92. In a row of girls , Kamla is 9th from the  left and Venna is 16th from the right . If they interchange their positions. Kamla becomes 25th from the left. How many girls are there in the row?

A. 34

B. 36

C. 40 

D. 41


93. Find the missing number from the given responses in each of the following question

9  12  18  ?

A. 11

B. 25

C. 10

D. 27  

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94. In the  following question, two statements are given followed by two conclusions 1 and 11 . You have to consider two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts.  You have to decide which of the given conclusions. If any follow from the given statements.


All men are employed

No employees are professionals


1 No men are unemployed

11 No men are professionals

A. Only 1 follow

B. Only  11 follow

C. Neither 1 nor 11 follows

D. Both 1 and 11 follows


95. A,P,R,X,S and Z are sitting in a row . S and Z are in the center and A and P are at the ends. R is sitting on the left of A. then who is on the right of P?              

A. A


C. S

D. Z


96. Find the missing number from the given response in each of the following question.

8  64   216  ?

A. 343

B. 512 

C. 729

D. 1000  


97. Who inaugurated the integrated command and control  center in gurugram ?

A. Mahesh Balhara

B. Bhupinder Singh Hooda

C. Chief Minister Manohar  Lal

D. Anil Vij


98. Which haryanvi has been ranked by the world’s famous magazine forbes in the list of 20 celebrities to dominate the world in 2020 ?

A. Anil Vij

B. Manohar lal khattar

C. Dusyant chautala

D. Krishna minda


99. If the difference between the compound interest and simple interest on a sum at 5% rate of interest per annum for three years is Rs 36.60. then the sum is –

A. Rs 8000

B. Rs 8400

C. Rs 4400

D. Rs 4800


100. Find the missing number

5255 , 5306 , ? , 5408 , 5459

A. 5057

B. 5357 

C. 2257

D. 5157


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